Md. Yusuf Ali
2023/08/26 12:46 AM
Index No C1003997
Designation Senior Teacher                                         
Subject English              
Mobile 01815919054
Joining date 15/05/2003
Blood group O+
Educational qualification
M.A, M.Ed

Upcoming Event

৫১ তম শীতকালীন ক্রীড়া প্রতিযোগিতা

Academic Class Level

Class Level


  • Junior Secondary ( Six to Eigh ) 
  • Secondary Nine to Ten ) 

Institute Facilities



  • Computer Lab  ►
  • Multimedia classroom  ►
  • Science Labs  ►
  • Cafeteria  ►

Special Attention for Every Students

প্রতিটি শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য বিশেষ মনোযোগ

A dynamic learning community recognized as one of the leading schools in Bangladesh, offering an international curriculum in English A dynamic learning community recognized as one of the leading schools in Bangladesh

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